Monday, July 9, 2012

Busy McDoingstuff!

Oh man, I have been busy this week. Doing lots of crazy things, and I really haven't had time to blog. Sunday July 1st was my Grandpa's 90th birthday! All of the kids and grandkids showed up (at one point or another) and we did our traditional "Christmas in July" gift exchange (we used to do it around the 25th, but ever since Aunt Linda's moved to Florida, we've been having it around Grandpa's birthday when he's up north with Aunt Linda). 

The Christmas in July exchange is a white elephant, where we pick from a pile of wrapped gifts or steal from another (while the gift is still wrapped). The funny part is seeing what gift everyone obsesses over. This year, it was a white plastic bag that everyone said felt like a stump (weight-wise and texture-wise). Turns out it WAS... a stump that can become a mini-campfire. I was trying to find a picture of it, but googling "stump campfire" has pretty much turned into finding expensive campfire "chairs" that are just lacquered stumps. Really, who would pay $379 for something you can find in the woods near your house? I digress... I ended up getting a flashlight. Andrew got a table for our porch which is actually something we need, so yay!

My Gramma also came up for Grandpa's 90th. She's been staying at my parents' ever since, so I've been going over almost every day to talk to her. It's also been about 4000°F out every day, so I haven't done much exercising. I did get in a good run this morning though, phew! It had been too long. 

I will tell you that to compensate for my lack of exercise I have been making up time being creative in the kitchen! I made some delicious cookies for Grandpa's 90th -- blueberry almond, craisin white chocolate oatmeal, and vegan banana peanut butter chocolate (I have a few hippies in my family). They all turned out okay, but the craisin white chocolate were my favorite. Then today after camp, I decided to make cupcakes. Because apparently, it's good to make up for not burning calories by consuming more of them? Alas.

The other thing I've been obsessing over recently is redoing my organizational habits. Because really, I have very few. I think if I get everything exactly as I want it, I'll be awesome. One of my biggest faults is that I'm a bit of a perfectionist, but if I don't think it'll be perfect I'll give up right away. My first project is my bedroom closet. So I'll get to doing before/afters of that and we'll see how it goes from there!

I don't know. Just in general I've always been so blah and unmotivated. Here, now I'll say it: I'm going to blog more with my best friend and hopefully she can really help me get out there and moving! She's doing a great job!!

Speaking of best friends, doesn't a yoga retreat in the Bahamas sound particularly amazing if you go with a best friend? I think so... I found a cheap-o one that is only $69 for a tent on the beach (because what better way to do a yoga retreat than to camp in a tent on the beach?) I've got to do more research, but this sounds almost... reasonable. Minus air fair. I totally need to look more into this. 

Okay, more later! Thanks for listening to me ramble about nothing important!

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